Facebook decidió bloquearme nuevamente, esta vez por una semana. Son 7 días en los que no puedo comentar o subir nada, ni siquiera contestar mensajes privados. El motivo fue el dibujo que ilustra esta entrada (que muestro trunco porque tampoco quiero que Google me joda tampoco). Sinceramente ya me tiene las bolas al plato Facebook y sus políticas hipócritas. Creo que pasados estos 7 días seguro supere el síndrome de abstinencia y pueda mandar a cagar a Facebook...
Afortunadamente, el blog es un poco más abierto (he visto videos porno en blogs). Si realmente decidís dejar FB, siempre tendrás este medio para expresarte como debe ser. Un abrazo. Te banco a muerte.
Mi solidaridad para contigo. El Facebook tenía sus reglas antes que entráramos nosotros con intención de romperlas, y desde el punto de vista de ellos, están facultados para conservar el derecho de admisión de imágenes. Así que será mejor que continúes con tu blog y lo publicites lo mejor que puedas, así podrás expresarte sin censuras. También puedes optar por insistir, para medir cuánto tardan en bloquearte definitivamente, si es que lo hacen.
It is incomprehensible that he was left there when DHR knew he was being so badly neglected," said Tommy James, an attorney representing the estate of Rankin."This innocent child is dead because the people at DHR did not do their jobs and it is appalling this was allowed to happen.
The leaked images showcase a white variant of the Coach Outlet Clearance shoe. Already, Rwanda and South Africa Cheap Nike Air Force 1 have extended Air Force 1 In Store their lockdowns by two weeks.. We may change or modify those guidelines at any time.. It was fitting the Nets didn't defend anybody because they haven't defended their homecourt once in 2017, going 0 Cheap Yeezy Shoes Sale 16 during the stretch.
As the steps to contain the transmission of the virus might require more stretches of isolation and confinement for the public, the government at Yeezy Shoes For Sale the Centre and state levels need to address the upsurge in domestic violence immediately. So I guess I don't want to sound like your mother, but it's probably not a good time New Air Jordan Shoes to be identifying people Jordan Shoes For Sale on an app and having hookups, because even just having dinner with somebody you don't know who's not wearing a mask is putting you at a slight risk..
". It all go for Jennifer Zamparelli when I meet her in RT Radio Centre. Two came in overtime, including on the final snap, in a 29 29 tie with the Green Bay Packers on Sept. According to the New York Times, a new study by disease modelers at the University of Texas at Austin suggests that "even counties with just a single reported case MK Outlet have more than 50 percent likelihood that a sustained, undetected outbreak an epidemic is already taking place." Once there are five cases in a county, that probability rises to 85 percent.In the long term, however, a huge, hidden population of asymptomatic cases may actually prove to be helpful..
"The milk would arrive in big metal churns. He would then bottle it by hand and deliver it around Woodbridge in a small pick up type New Yeezy Shoes truck," says John in his memoirs. "For very local deliveries he would carry a Coach Outlet Sale two to three gallon container of milk on a strap round his neck and ladle it out into the customer's own container at the doorstep..
After the accident, rinse your eye out as soon as you can. The faster you act, the better your chances of healing totally. Run cool water over your eye for at least 15 20 minutes before you do anything else. Indictments Cheap Jordan Shoes For Men charge Robert Stephon North, 34, of Chattanooga; Juanzell Jenkins, 37, of Adairsville, Ga.; Joe Jenkins, 40, of Chattanooga; Jumoke Johnson, Jr., 20, of Chattanooga; Shannon D. Mitchell, 29, of Chattanooga; Gerald Toney, 33, of Chattanooga; Dejuan Cooper, 23, of Chattanooga; Guy L. Wilkerson, Jr., 20, of Chattanooga; Rodney Coach Handbags Clearance Harris II, 22, of Chattanooga; Frank White, 30, of Chattanooga; Valentino Harris, Michael Kors Outlet Online 28, Ray Ban Sunglasses Sale of Chattanooga; Torrey Cheap Air Force Ones Gilmore, 38, of Chattanooga; Reginald D.
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We've discussed the 'ol "bury you now, dig you up later" scheme in these
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geometric shapes, the bold colors, that...
The Admiral and the Con Man
The art director at The New Yorker knew Searle was the right illustrator
for this story! (from 2002)
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The Art of Frozen 2
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*Guasón* (Joker, EE. UU., 2019)
Dirección: Todd Phillips.
Guión: Todd Phillips y Scott Silver.
Fotografía: Lawrence Sher.
Música: Hildur Guonadottir.
7 Reasons Why You Should Buy Vintage Clothing
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Depending on how you shop, and what you shop for, you can really stretch
that ...
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14 years i...
How to Avoid a Photoshop Disaster
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laugh, it’s no fun if you’re the one whose work is being laughed at.
Whether you...
Fierro – Nuevos artistas
En este número de la nueva revista Fierro colaboraron varios artistas que
no habían pasado por la etapa anterior. Aquí les presentamos una breve
biografía ...
Black Friday + Amazing Photoshop Brushes!
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Are you out there?
Hi gang!
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love hand draw...
¡¡¡El SABADO 7 DE MAYO VUELVE LA ROCKET!!! SI, cientos de TPB a precios
ridículamente baratos, ofertas en novedades y mucho mas.Te invitamos a
venir de 14....
Nos vemos en Disney
Peregriné a la Meca y giré la Kaaba en Ramadán. Crucé el Sahara con las
caravanas de la Reina de Saba y Salomón me rozó con su túnica.
Toqué en Jartúm la e...
Las leyes fueron creadas para vos y afectan directamente tu vida,
cambiando tu historia.
La página te invita: REGALÁ UNA LEY para que puedas elegir un dibu...
Milyader yang Sumbangkan Uang untuk Amal
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yang di dapat, mereka mampu membeli apa saja yang mereka inginkan. Namun,
ada b...
MONSTRUOS la conspiracion Secreta
Y luego de mucho tiempo, aqui esta! ¨MONSTRUOS, La conspiración secreta¨.
Este libro es un proyecto muy querido y hoy ya es una realidad!
Para los varones...
Tengo Discapacidad #TengoDerechos
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Servicio Nacional de Rehabilitacion.
Gracias SNR por darme la oportun...
Lea revista Fierro / Mujeres de Manila
Mujeres de Manila con guión de Lautaro Ortíz y dibujos de el Tomi /
Publicada por la revista Fierro de Buenos Aires / Julio del 2014
*La cárcel es espesa ...
If you've been on FACEBOOK recently, and your in the animation industry,
then you know that On Friday August 22nd, a SILENT AUCTION for SIMON CHUNG
will ta...
Esto le paso a un amigo
[image: esto le paso a un amigo 01][image: esto le paso a un amigo 02] [image:
esto le paso a un amigo 03] [image: esto le paso a un amigo 04]
"Somos el nudo verdadero"
Personajes de Docotor Sueño, la última novela de Stephen King.
Rose la Chistera, Abra y Danny Torrance.
Qué voy a leer cuando King ya no escriba?
Benefit of Family vacation
Another benefit of one particular summer vacation is the relaxation needed
for both the grown persons and the heirs. Today, children just need to
function ...
Patoruzú, el cacique más amado de la Argentina, cumple 85 añosPor *Néstor
Rivas* Descendiente de faraones, es el último de los Tehuelche...
El valiente soldadito de plomo
Recientemente acabo de concluír la ilustración del libro El valiente
soldadito de plomo que saldrá publicado por editorial Aique de Argentina.
Aquí les de...
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is out. People are embracing styles that might have seemed tacky just a few
Pagina Web de Universo Retro
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pagina de Universo Retro. Gracias a Leonardo por el diseño y la paciencia
infinita y ...
Tortas fritas de Polenta en FIERRO nº 78 de Abril
Ya salió FIERRO nº 78. Edición especial Malvinas. "Tortas fritas de
polenta" es la historieta completa que se publica, una crónica de Ariel
Martinelli, ...
Sketchbook by Oscar Martin
Beautiful book, chock full of amazing finished and preliminary drawings as
well as never before seen roughs from one of the ...
Los quería invitar a la primera exposición de "Escuela de Monstruos"
que sale semanalmente en la revista Billiken.
¡¡¡ 28 o...
Blanco Experimental Volumen 40
* ¡Para celebrar nuestras 40 ediciones de Blanco Experimental, hemos
realizado una nueva web, nueva imagen y nuevo volumen! *
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Nanku aur Aji
I can't believe I forgot to put this up on my dormant blog. It also got
featured on drawn.ca here. Anyway, so this is my final year grad film. It
took a...
Mi Página en Facebook
Bloger me da problemas.
Lo abandono.
Si quieren seguirme, háganlo acá:
Nos vemos ahí :-)
Michifuz (gato sucio) y la Lagartija enamorada.
Michifuz de parranda a salido, Michifuz no volverá temprano a casa, a él le
gusta la joda, "juergea" hasta que le duele la panza… canta y grita la
30 Free Vector Communication Icons in EPS
Here we have another valuable resource for your visual design projects,
logo design and visual vocabulary brainstorming. The pack contains a
variety of de...
Vuelven las cartas, vuelve el Ping Pong?
Ahora que los hipsters juegan al ping pong, debo aclarar que jugaba hace
años con mis amigos en un lugar bastante deprimente que terminó por cerrar.
Dibujos de los 90, homenaje y desorden.
Aca les dejo un humilde homenaje al maestro Goya y varios dibujos que
encontre ordenando el quilombo que tengo. El primero y el ultimo son de la...
A buscarla a partir de este miércoles (14/9) en las mejores comiquerías, y
la semana que viene en kioscos de Capital y Gran Buenos Aires!
Hola !
Para conmemorar el comienzo de clases de mis cursos de MANGA en la Escuela
La Ola,un dibujito velóz en Wacon con unos filtritos en CS5.
Y ya arra...
Filthy Animals
As I watched volunteers cleaning the unfortunate animal victims of the oil
spill in the Gulf of Mexico, I thought, "What a great thing to do... but
why sto...
Concepción, se dice
Hola, leer discurso si solo se crea conveniente, (viene denso) o bien solo
disfrutar de la ilustración.
6 meses es demasiado tiempo para mantenerse alejado...
Homenaje a Editorial Columba por Calamaro
Andrés Calamaro rinde un homenaje musical a las publicaciones de la
Editorial Columba y menciona a alguno de los personajes más característicos
de Columba,...
Anoche vi un video porno. Una mina en una quinta ponía a 12 chabones en
fila y les comía la garcha a todos uno por uno. Después, se ponía en el
medio de un...
9 comentarios:
Qué pelotudez!
Afortunadamente, el blog es un poco más abierto (he visto videos porno en blogs). Si realmente decidís dejar FB, siempre tendrás este medio para expresarte como debe ser. Un abrazo. Te banco a muerte.
te paso lo mismo en deviant art, no?? loco! nos sacan a scuzzo de todos lados! no da :S
Blogger es mucho más permisivo. Hay muchos sitios porno alojados acá.
Una cagada los denunciadores, loco.
El blog siempre está
Sube completo el dibujo aquí, Scuzzo! Los de Blogger no son tan mochos como el Feisbuh.
Mi solidaridad para contigo. El Facebook tenía sus reglas antes que entráramos nosotros con intención de romperlas, y desde el punto de vista de ellos, están facultados para conservar el derecho de admisión de imágenes. Así que será mejor que continúes con tu blog y lo publicites lo mejor que puedas, así podrás expresarte sin censuras. También puedes optar por insistir, para medir cuánto tardan en bloquearte definitivamente, si es que lo hacen.
It is incomprehensible that he was left there when DHR knew he was being so badly neglected," said Tommy James, an attorney representing the estate of Rankin."This innocent child is dead because the people at DHR did not do their jobs and it is appalling this was allowed to happen.
The leaked images showcase a white variant of the Coach Outlet Clearance shoe. Already, Rwanda and South Africa Cheap Nike Air Force 1 have extended Air Force 1 In Store their lockdowns by two weeks.. We may change or modify those guidelines at any time.. It was fitting the Nets didn't defend anybody because they haven't defended their homecourt once in 2017, going 0 Cheap Yeezy Shoes Sale 16 during the stretch.
As the steps to contain the transmission of the virus might require more stretches of isolation and confinement for the public, the government at Yeezy Shoes For Sale the Centre and state levels need to address the upsurge in domestic violence immediately. So I guess I don't want to sound like your mother, but it's probably not a good time New Air Jordan Shoes to be identifying people Jordan Shoes For Sale on an app and having hookups, because even just having dinner with somebody you don't know who's not wearing a mask is putting you at a slight risk..
". It all go for Jennifer Zamparelli when I meet her in RT Radio Centre. Two came in overtime, including on the final snap, in a 29 29 tie with the Green Bay Packers on Sept. According to the New York Times, a new study by disease modelers at the University of Texas at Austin suggests that "even counties with just a single reported case MK Outlet have more than 50 percent likelihood that a sustained, undetected outbreak an epidemic is already taking place." Once there are five cases in a county, that probability rises to 85 percent.In the long term, however, a huge, hidden population of asymptomatic cases may actually prove to be helpful..
"The milk would arrive in big metal churns. He would then bottle it by hand and deliver it around Woodbridge in a small pick up type New Yeezy Shoes truck," says John in his memoirs. "For very local deliveries he would carry a Coach Outlet Sale two to three gallon container of milk on a strap round his neck and ladle it out into the customer's own container at the doorstep..
After the accident, rinse your eye out as soon as you can. The faster you act, the better your chances of healing totally. Run cool water over your eye for at least 15 20 minutes before you do anything else. Indictments Cheap Jordan Shoes For Men charge Robert Stephon North, 34, of Chattanooga; Juanzell Jenkins, 37, of Adairsville, Ga.; Joe Jenkins, 40, of Chattanooga; Jumoke Johnson, Jr., 20, of Chattanooga; Shannon D. Mitchell, 29, of Chattanooga; Gerald Toney, 33, of Chattanooga; Dejuan Cooper, 23, of Chattanooga; Guy L. Wilkerson, Jr., 20, of Chattanooga; Rodney Coach Handbags Clearance Harris II, 22, of Chattanooga; Frank White, 30, of Chattanooga; Valentino Harris, Michael Kors Outlet Online 28, Ray Ban Sunglasses Sale of Chattanooga; Torrey Cheap Air Force Ones Gilmore, 38, of Chattanooga; Reginald D.
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